Participating companies included many of the biggest names in the high-tech global arena: IBM, Microsoft, Intel, AT&T, Cadence, RSIP Vision, Apple, Check Point, Mobileye, OrCam. Thanks to this impressive floor of recruiting companies, all students had many chances to talk to the very best in the business. It is not surprising that many talented students took advantage of this opportunity, many of them coming from the School of Computer Science & Engineering.
A special lecture was held also during this career day at the Hebrew University, when one of RSIP Vision’s senior engineers displayed our successful image processing applications in the fields of ophthalmology, cardiology, pulmonology, automotive, microscopy, semiconductors and precise agriculture. Students were also able to apply for open positions at RSIP Vision in our offices. Positions are available for both graduate and undergraduate candidates, with a very attentive eye to fit their work duties with their university schedule and priorities. Of course, positions in our Jerusalem office were the most sought for.
In addition, students who had not yet subscribed to Computer Vision News online magazine were able to do it on the spot. Did you subscribe already? You can subscribe here in one minute, it’s free.
RSIP Vision participated at this Career Day as part of the affiliate program of the Hebrew University, which we are happy to sponsor for many years now. The participation at this career day is one of the activities that RSIP Vision has initiated together with the School of Computer Science & Engineering at the Hebrew U: the most popular of the other activities is RSIP Vision PRO, a university-level series of lectures which we hold in the campus itself in parallel with the Image Processing courses given by the faculty, namely Professor Shmuel Peleg‘s image processing class. This cooperation allows many ambitious students to learn from our engineers’ practical experience, enrich their own knowledge with real-world computer vision applications, get a preview of what expects them in their industry job and (last but not least) get the RSIP Vision PRO diploma at the end of the year. Our company is particularly fit for this program because our very wide range of application fields enables our speakers to cover the widest spectrum of project areas during the whole year. The quality of the lectures is the other reason for the success of this unique program.