MICCAI 2020 Daily - Tuesday

20 pediatric neuroradiologists. I’m hoping that there will be a lot more of these startups. There is starting to be, but it’s very difficult to get there because there are limited funds specifically for pediatrics. I’m hoping that we’ll get there because it’s very important to have these quantitative methods for radiologists. Why is there less money for pediatric brain research? It is a smaller population, which is good. However, as a result, many are considered orphan diseases, unfortunately. I am not sure about the underlying politics of the funding. Please tell us more about the startup. Everyone in the field is developing software, but to get software to the clinic is a massively complicated problem. A few years ago, I was getting frustrated that we were all developing software that rarely makes it to the clinic. I went to see the head of radiology at Children’s Hospital and asked, “What software would help you in your clinic?” That’s how we started this project. Nassir Navab told me a few years ago that he wants surgeons to do research with his engineers: surgeons need to be in the driving seat. They are the ones who will tell you what they need. Listen to them and work accordingly. I completely agree. I started in a university, then I applied for a faculty position at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. I didn’t really know how great it would be to be in a hospital, you know? I always assumed that you stay in a university, and that’s where a researcher does all their work. It’s been really amazing to work with doctors daily and know exactly what the problems are that they face. They’ll come by the lab and say, “Hey, I have this problem that I’m trying to solve. Can you help with this?” You say that it is very difficult to bring software to the clinic. Why does this happen? What could be done to improve the situation? Part of it is that we are not really Women in Science Better not mess with Natasha, who practices Jeet Kune Do and Shooto at the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts. DAILY Tu e s d a y