ICCV Daily 2021 - Thursday

22 DAILY ICCV Thursday to actually understand our emotions and also help computers to understand that. I wish you only good emotions! Of course not! Oh! I like them more when they are good. Of course, we like them when they are good, but it’s the reality. We also have bad emotions. The important part is dealing with them. Are you collecting data from the real world about emotions? If so, do you think physicians accurately read the emotions of their patients from what you see? It’s really hard to interpret one’s emotions from facial expressions because facial expressions are not only presenting our emotions. There is no scientific proof that emotions are directly correlated with facial expressions. Facial expressions are a way for us to communicate. There is a social aspect too. It also depends on what I want to show. Sometimes I would like to communicate some other information. It also depends on the context. You cannot only just see someone’s facial expressions and think that person is happy. It really depends on the context. I always give this example to my students: when I’m confused, I look angry. A lot of teachers in high school would ask, “ Why are you angry? ” I’m just trying to understand! It’s never that easy. That’s why the field needs to be even more cautious about everything we do with emotion recognition. We shouldn’t even call it emotion recognition. Since you studied psychology, tell us something interesting that you have learned that you didn’t know before? Since I studied psychology, I’ve been doing this research at the same time. It always runs together. Before, I used to think that facial expressions were more universal and generalizable. I changed my mind. Since I’ve been doing this research for so long, I’m convinced that it’s pretty much personalized. There are some patterns, specific to some cultures or some people but it’s mostly personal. Do you also look at the voice or speech of the patient? Or only the face? Women in Computer Vision