ECCV 2020 Daily - Wednesday

3 Summary 04 08 18 Serge Belongie Exclusive Interview Rico Jonschkowski Oral Presentation 16 24 08 14 04 18 16 CV4MI Tutorial by Alison Q. O’Neil and Keith A. Goatman Good morning ECCV! Another great day is starting at ECCV 2020 online : light it up with today's ECCV Daily magazine by RSIP Vision ! Let's start on the next page with our full review of an intriguing oral paper and with brilliant upcoming presentations . Please share the link on social media and with colleagues at home. Enjoy the reading and have a great day at ECCV 2020 ! Ralph Anzarouth Editor, Computer Vision News Marketing Manager, RSIP Vision DAILY W e d n e s d a y 14 24 Anita Rau Spotlight Presentation Alyssa Pierson Women in Computer Vision Razieh Kaviani Poster Presentation