Computer Vision News - July 2020

Women in Computer Vision 58 interested in computer graphics before that. Augmented reality was also something that I was very excited about. I slowly tried to find the challenges in my life. I basically arrived at computer vision as the last step, but I’m still very eager to learn more. That’s why I am where I am right now. You said you slowly found your path, but I’m sure it wasn’t so slow. Yes, you basically do your bachelor’s, your master’s, and you end up in your PhD. Sometimes it feels like one semester after another. Johanna Wald is a PhD student at the Technical University Munich working on 3D scene understanding of indoor environments. She spoke to us ahead of her poster presentation. How did you get involved in that kind of work? It’s actually a long story. I was always excited about computer science. It was, for me, a way of creating something, of being creative. I actually started a program earlier when I was interested in computer vision. So I focused on computer vision because I was “You are not alone in this world!” Best of CVPR 2020