CVPR Daily - Wednesday

It was not for you! [ laughs ] Yeah, it was not for me! I would prefer being outside, running around. Were you sporty? Oh, yes. I did swimming for quite a while. I love swimming. Every summer, my parents would always take me to swim practice. It was probably one of the best summers I had as a little kid, just going out swimming, practicing, going to meets and stuff. I loved that! Following my interview with Trevor Darrell published yesterday , I would like to do some fact checking with you! What surprised you the most about working with him? Probably the best surprise is how interested he is in a wide range of topics. When I first started at Berkeley, I knew my research interests were a little bit different than what he was working on at the time, or what most of his people were working on. It was a really nice surprise to find that after he discussed the work, he’d say, “Oh yeah, we can make this work. I’m definitely interested in exploring this space also. You do your research, and I’ll try to see how I can help you with it.” That was the best surprise, how willing he is to be open to different ideas and make sure that the research you’re working on is really aligned with what you’re interested in. What was the funniest thing that happened interacting online? I was in a meeting with my collaborators. I was still talking about the paper. I remember scrolling through, and I had my screen share on. I couldn’t see who was still in the meeting via video chat. When you screen share, depending on the platform, it hides the rest of the faces. One of my collaborators mentioned that they were going to check on their kid or something. I was like, “Oh, okay! Bye!” I continued to present my work, but I didn’t realize that my other collaborator had left as well! [ both laugh ] I just kept talking to myself! [ laughs ] DAILY Wednesday Women in Computer Vision 26