MICCAI 2021 Daily - Tuesday

Tajwar is already thinking about next steps. This work uses a novel loss function which takes into account if seeds are next to each other in a hot spot. The problem with the current model is that the ground truth is the position of the seeds, and although that is important, radiation coverage is more so. In the next model, they will be looking to optimize based on the position of the seeds as well as the radiation coverage and would also like to add a loss that sees how well it is covering the volumes. Originally from Bangladesh , Tajwar did his undergrad there before moving to Europe for his master’s and now Canada for his PhD. We tell him how pleased we are to talk to him as he is the first Bangladeshi interviewee we have ever had! “ I’m really honored! ” he laughs. We challenge him to tell us something about Bangladesh that we do not already know. “ Did you know that Bangladesh has the longest natural sea beach in the world? A lot of people don’t know that. It’s called Cox’s Bazar. ” Tajwar leaves us with a final analogy to think about. “ This treatment is like art, ” he points out. “ The doctors don’t all agree with the same plan. They each have their own style and they all work. It’s like da Vinci or Picasso. They have different artistic styles, but both are amazing. That’s why this is such a difficult problem. We’ve come up with a solution and we’ve given it to one of the artists and they might not like it, but they have their own interpretation and that’s okay. Ultimately, the goal is to make something that can be used in a hospital. That is what we all want to achieve in the end. ” So, it is not computer science, it is computer art? “ It’s both! ” To learn more about Tajwar’s work [Paper ID 2581], you are invited to visit his oral during Session Session Tu-Oral-PM-B Intervention Planning and Simulation today at 14:00 – 15:30 UTC and his poster during Session Tu-S3 Computer Assisted Intervention + Clinical Applications at 16:30 - 18:00 UTC. 7 DAILY MICCAI Tuesday Tajwar Abrar Aleef