MICCAI 2020 Daily - Tuesday

Thinking about next steps, Nazim says their two-step registration process remains to be solve d, as neurosurgeons still have to help in the initialization. In the future, he would like to see a one-step end-to-end pipeline that has the registration ready with the brain shift already compensated. They are currently working on this. It will involve more data and a more powerful deep learning model, but it will mean it is a wholly automated process. Originally from Algeria in North Africa , Nazim spent the last decade in Europe, working in France. We wonder, as one 2 Paper Presentation 8 of only two Algerians we have ever interviewed, is he treading a rare path? “It is more common than you think actually,” he responds. “There are many smart and bright people there doing science, and some do travel to Europe or the US to study and work. It is not a lot, but maybe because I am Algerian too, I know them!” Tunisia is next door to Algeria and a far more common destination for holidaymakers. Can he tell us something about Algeria that will encourage us to visit instead? DAILY Tu e s d a y