MICCAI 2019 Wednesday

MICCAI 2019 DAILY Special Interest Group 18 open-source sof tware to compute shape analysis in medical imaging studies. ShapeMI may be the f i rst SIG, but new MICCAI President , Leo Joskowicz , has said that he wants to invi te other communi t ies to propose new SIGs, so watch this space. The SIG is sponsor ing a best paper award at the MFCA (Mathematical Foundations of Computational Anatomy) workshop tomorrow. of the work that we need to do in this special interest group.” Guido tel ls us about next steps: “We have formed a plan. We are set t ing up a websi te which wi l l be populated wi th informat ion mater ial about shape. We want the communi ty at MICCAI to sign up to be kept informed. We are also set t ing up social media, including Twi t ter. Our next goal is to support researchers who want to organize workshops for MICCAI 2020 . This year, we have seen at least f ive workshops at MICCAI that have been centered around shape. In future, we’d l ike to support them wi th informat ion mater ials and spread the word that shape is now off icial ly supported by MICCAI . We are also planning a summer workshop on shape for young invest igators next year.” Kitware has tradi t ional ly been involved in a number of MICCAI act ivi t ies, but Beatr iz says the l ink is coincidental this t ime. She started explor ing the idea for the group hersel f , and whi le working on the ShapeMI workshop at MICCAI 2018 as an organizer, reached out to her Ki tware col league Stephen Aylward – who has just been included in the l ist of MICCAI Society Fel lows – for support approaching the MICCAI Board. Beatr iz is also the PI of NIH- sponsored Sl icerSALT , which is