24 DAILY ICCV Thursday Women in Computer Vision medical imaging, and that part will be more impactful. For example, predicting diseases. Do you prefer working to entertain people better or to improve their health? Is there a big difference for you? The applications are very different, but I work on the methodological part, not exactly on the application. Something that can be applied to both worlds. Is it a choice to work more in methodology than in application? Yes, but in academia, it also depends on the funding that you get. There is more funding available for application-based research. For the more theoretical, there wasn't much funding. Recently, however, in Germany, where I am coming from, there have been much more funds. So, I was able to also put more in. Apparently, you chose the branch with the lowest funding. Yes. [laughs] Wouldn't it be better if you could do science where you think it is needed rather than where the funding leads you? Yes, exactly. That's the best option. I think if everyone can work on what they like and what they think will be more impactful. Rather than competing to just do the publication, that would be great. Then people can actually benefit from the work, not just increasing the numbers in the tables slightly. Sure! That was something that Nikos Paragios called the “deep depression”. We hope that whoever needs to hear that heard that. Azade, you told me when you were a child that you already wanted to work in artificial intelligence. How did that happen, at what age, and how did you feel about it? [hesitates for a moment] I think it was around four or five years old. When someone asked me what I wanted to become when you're older, I would say I wanted to make robots. That was to help my parents when they needed help, for example, with work at home. Later,