ICCV Daily 2021 - Tuesday

or what the model is translating is useful. The 3D shapes have to be modeled and the model fails as soon as the 3D shape is not realistic. A future direction for the work could be to look at lessening those restrictions and trying to incorporate learning the 3D shapes or other assumptions that are being made. We cannot let Dominik leave without asking him about working with Stefanie Speidel , who regular readers will know is a dear friend of our magazine. “ It’s really amazing to work with Stefanie! ” he smiles. “ She’s one of the pioneers in the surgical assistance field and has so much experience. On the one hand, she knows what’s important and can lead you in which direction to go, but on the other, she provides a lot of freedom in terms of which way you want to go. She’s always there to guide us and make sure we’re going in the right direction. It’s a great mix of having the freedom to work on what you’re passionate about but also having somebody who has all this experience to supervise it. I’m very happy here! ” To learn more about Dominik’s work [Paper ID 7515], you can view his pre-recorded poster presentation and PDF now and join his live Q&A sessions today [3A] at 12:00-13:00 EDT and Thursday [3B] at 19:00-20:00 EDT. 15 DAILY ICCV Tuesday Dominik Rivoir “We’re not directly designing an assistance system, but rather we are providing the data to evaluate or to train other systems!