ECCV 2018 Daily - Monday

Daily MONDAY 10 Good morning ECCV! Welcome to ECCV 2018 and your new ECCV Daily . ECCV and RSIP Vision (the publisher of Computer Vision News ) have once again partnered to offer our community the ECCV Daily magazine during this exciting and busy conference in Munich . Follow us today, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for live news from ECCV 2018! This year’s conference offers a number of innovations. The primary one being that we have the largest venue ever for ECCV . In Amsterdam in 2016, we had a venue for 1,500 people, plus more on the waiting list. This year, with credit to the great effort of the General Chairs, we are able to house around 3,000 of you. We still couldn’t accommodate everybody, but we can tell you now that ECCV 2020 in Edinburgh will be our biggest yet, with 4,000 spots available ! Also, inspired by our American fellows at CVPR , we have a conference app this year for the very first time, put together by our professional conference organiser partner, INTERPLAN . They have done a great job with it so that you can enjoy surfing around the conference faster. The app will also push this magazine directly to your screen every day! We received 2,400 paper submissions this year – another record – exceeding ECCV 2016 by 56%. That’s a lot more papers, so we needed a lot more area chairs and reviewers. This increased the pressure on the community and created some extra work for us, but we were happy to do it so that we could offer you the largest programme ever. We accepted 776 papers , almost double compared to two years ago. That’s a serious increase and a vast amount of great quality content for you to consume. ECCV can be a very immersive experience, especially if you are a newcomer or a PhD student that has only been once before. We recommend you drink as deeply as you can from the fountain of the conference ! The oral presentations are the stars of the show, but it’s also about going to that poster that is not quite on the topic you work on. Or the one where you really think the work could be improved. Go there, challenge, discuss. You will probably find out that the author is much smarter than you originally thought, but he missed a few things that you thought of. Enjoy the intellectual exploration of looking at different things and daring to engage in conversation. Perhaps a new friendship will be born. Perhaps you will learn a new area. Open your mind and see how others do their job, manage to succeed, and end up here at ECCV. We wish you a very successful ECCV 2018! Enjoy the reading of ECCV Daily... Vittorio Ferrari Ralph Anzarouth Program co-chair, ECCV Editor, ECCV Daily Google Research Computer Vision News University of Edinburgh RSIP Vision Editorial 4