Computer Vision News - March 2024

Computer Vision News 8 This practical demonstration serves as a testament to the adaptability and applicability of the theoretical framework provided. Readers are encouraged to customize the provided code to suit the specifics of their experimental designs. 2 Setting up the Hardware and Software: Robot Arm, Vision Kit, ROS2, RViz, and Python-ROS API The robotic arm used for this lesson is the serial robot arm, the PincherX 100 from Trossen Robotics with the vision kit for vision-based control. This robot arm is controlled by Robot Operating System (ROS) and we will use ROS2 Humble which is the eighth release of ROS and it is a long-term support (LTS) release meaning that it will be updated and the bugs will be fixed until May 2027. The operating system that we run ROS2 humble on is Ubuntu 22.04 and you can find the guide to its installation here. We will use RViz as the visualization tool to visualize the state of the robot. Python is the preferred language and we will use the Python-ROS API which sits above the ROS so that even if you are not proficient with ROS, you can still control and program the robot arm. The complete instructions on how to get started with this robot arm and the vision kit including assembling, installing the required packages, ROS2 and RViz are in the following links: assembling the robot and the vision kit, ROS2 and RViz installation, and installing Python-ROS API. If you are not proficient with Python, a quick introduction to Python programming for robotics tutorial can get you started. 3 Summary This lesson served as the introductory part of a lesson series focused on integrating screw theory-based numerical inverse kinematics with visionbased control of robotic arms using ROS2. It guided learners through setting up their hardware and software, emphasizing the applicability of the teachings to any ROS2-controlled robot arm. Instructions for assembling the arm, installing necessary software, and links for further guidance are provided, ensuring learners are well-prepared for the coming lessons ahead. Lessons in Robotics