Computer Vision News - April 2024

Computer Vision News 22 Women in Science Elisa Roccia is the Global Clinical Marketing Manager for MRI Oncology at Siemens Healthineers. Elisa, can you tell us about your work? In Siemens Healthineers, I’m responsible for the MRI Oncology global marketing strategy within the magnetic resonance imaging business line. The main topics I cover are breast cancer, liver cancer, and prostate cancer, but there are also a few other minor topics I cover as well. My position is similar to a product management position, but facing more towards the outside of the company. I act as a bridge between the clinical world, what’s happening in the field, in the community, and what happens inside Siemens Healthineers. Last time we spoke, you had just completed your PhD. You have strong research training but seem to be doing less research and more product management now. How did that happen? Yeah, that’s right. I do come from a research background. I studied biomedical engineering as an undergrad in Italy. Then, I did my PhD Read 100 FASCINATING interviews with Women in Computer Vision