Computer Vision News - October‏ 2023

Computer Vision News 36 Deep Learning for the Eyes Let’s move on to Yukun‘s current research. If you are into deep learning in ophthalmology, you have probably already heard the news! RETFound was published last month in Nature under the title “A foundation model for generalizable disease detection from retinal images”. I want to summarise the most important parts here and will give some special insights that I gained in the interview with Yukun! by Christina Bornberg @datascEYEnce Hello everyone, I am Christina and am interested in deep learning for ophthalmology which is the reason for doing the datascEYEnce column here in Computer Vision News! I myself work in the field and I through this format I aim to shine a spotlight on the remarkable work of fellow researchers who share the enthusiasm for image analysis focused on our visual organ. featuring YukunZhou Yukun currently is a final year PhD computer science candidate at the UCL Centre for Medical Image Computing under the supervision of Daniel Alexander and at Moorfields Eye Hospital under the supervision of Pearse Keane. His journey into deep learning for ophthalmology started with a master’s in mechanical engineering where he got introduced to signal processing and ended up reading papers on vessel segmentation in the eye. The similarity of image characteristics between especially color fundus images and natural images as well as his interest in learning-based methods made him want to pursue his PhD in this field. Foundation Model for Retinal Images