Computer Vision News - July 2023

Computer Vision News 22 Women in Computer Vision Because you were already doing something very brave, which is being very far from your house. Yeah, I don't like traveling. And also being in a place where the language is not your main language. So there was already something. Then you took an additional courageous step and went into a new field, not knowing what is going to happen. Yeah, you could say that. What could have happened? It could be like, I will never do research again. Then I would just do engineering. And you didn't want to do engineering? I'm still passionate about research. At the time, I was thinking that if I join Microsoft as an engineer, inside Microsoft, there are research teams. Then I'll try to find opportunities inside Microsoft and switch from engineering to research. The reason why is that I love open problems. In most engineering systems, you have a very clear goal. In research, it's not like that. You can have a goal, but you cannot plan everything ahead, because you don't know! Maybe this approach works, or you think it's going to work, but it's not going to work in the end. Then you need to shift it. So that's why I love research. Tell me something about Microsoft that we don't know. I don't know if you know this, but Microsoft has really diverse teams. Our team is not a pure research team. We are a research team that will make product shipments. So in our team, we not only have researchers, but we also have research engineers to shift our models to a product. I don't know if this is old news to you. [ laughs ] “ In research, it's not like that. You can have a goal, but you cannot plan everything ahead, because you don't know!”