Computer Vision News - August 2023

41 Medical Computer Vision Computer Vision News Having the capability of having similar types of infrastructures and set up to do monitoring and quality improvement in hospitals, ICUs, operating rooms, and so on, and at the same time at homes, gives us the capability to broaden the development of healthcare-related applications and algorithms. One very important aspect of this workshop would be exploring this multi-interdisciplinary field from novel sensor technologies to pervasive computing, AI algorithms, and AI applications. It’s a wildly interdisciplinary field. We hope to start this in the MICCAI community. Our goal is to actually take it out as well and probably do this same workshop in broader like NeurIPS types of communities as well, but our goal was to start it within the medical and MICCAI community. One thing I want to add, and this is my personal interest in this field, is trying to build and develop what we call infrastructure-mediated sensing for healthcare applications. This is something that I’m doing a lot of research on right now. We are applying those to mostly neurological diseases. I do have some projects at Stanford working with the hospital building ME intelligence in ICU rooms at Stanford Hospital, but generally, building this infrastructure component of it is basically what is currently of my interest and hopefully the interest of a lot of young researchers who will join the workshop. Babak: Ehsan has also done some really interesting work on multimodal analysis between ambient sensing, for example, video ambient sensing data and medical imaging data, so looking at brain scans of individuals with Parkinson’s disease, for example, and at the same time looking at their activities or how they ambulate or walk or move their body parts. That’s a very interesting area of research as well, and Ehsan has done some really interesting work. Another area of interesting multimodal analysis is combining ambient sensing with electronic health data. For example, if you want to analyze a person’s health,