Computer Vision News - August 2023

Computer Vision News 38 MICCAI Workshop Preview Ehsan and Babak speak to us as the co-organizers of an exciting MICCAI 2023 workshop. Ehsan: Based on the MICCAI workshop chairs’ decision, we are going to have a joint workshop with the AICAI workshop. That’s the Ambient Intelligence for Healthcare and Computational Affective Intelligence for Computer-Assisted Interventions workshop. Babak and I were discussing doing a workshop in the medical world that uses more sensor-based type technologies for healthcare applications. Both of us do have a lot of research and publications in this space. After brainstorming, we decided to propose this workshop to MICCAI 2023. The main goal of this workshop is to advance knowledge and technology of intelligent environments for healthcare. The topic is very broad. It’s not limited to any specific sensor modality or any Ehsan Adeli is an Assistant Professor at the Stanford School of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences. He is also affiliated with the Computer Science Department and works in the Stanford Vision and Learning Lab. Babak Taati is a senior scientist at the KITE Research Institute, the research arm of the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, an adult rehabilitation hospital which is part of the University Health Network, a network of research hospitals affiliated with the University of Toronto. He is also an associate professor (status only) in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, with a cross-appointment in the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, as well as a Vector Institute Faculty Affiliate. Ehsan Adeli Babak Taati