Computer Vision News - August 2023

21 AI Spotlight News Computer Vision News How Do We Know How Smart AI Systems Are? A fantastic article by Melanie Mitchell of the Santa Fe Institute, published onScience about the limitations of LLMs: it’s not (only) me saying that, it’s Yann LeCun, who like Melanie believes that “Taken together, these problems make it hard to conclude - from the evidence given - that AI systems are now or soon will match or exceed human intelligence”. A must read for all AI passionates! ReadMore Glaze, a tool to protect human artists from style mimicry by generative AI models Diffusion models such as MidJourney and Stable Diffusion have been trained on large datasets of scraped images from the web, many of which are copyrighted. They can be then used to copy individual artists, through mimicry. This software called Glaze claims to be able to protect human artists by disrupting style mimicry. The key lays in how AI sees visual information differently from humans. Watch the video Australia Post uses computer vision for site safety Apparently, Australia Post is using computer vision technology as a site safety initiative, to detect team members moving into “unsafe zones” at facilities. The company claims that it made significant investments to protection a workforce of almost 30,000 workers, using machine learning and computer vision technology, supported by Google Cloud Platform (CGP). This is obviously very much needed for interacting with machines such as forklifts, trucks and sorting machines. What a shame that the post did not tell the details of their tech. ReadMore