Computer Vision News - August 2023

Computer Vision News 16 Women in Computer Vision “I just have to keep doing this for the sake of my soul, for the sake of my country, and for the sake of the whole world!” difficult, but afterwards, I had my master’s at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, and over there, it was very intensive. We have lecturers from different parts of the world. They would come in and teach us courses for three weeks. In my typical universities in Ghana, we would take three months to study these courses that they are teaching for just three weeks. It was quite an amazing experience. That was actually where I met Alex. He was my advisor for the first teasers that I ever did in machine learning. Going to the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences really gave me a lot of confidence. I gained a lot of skills that I needed to use. All those technical skills that I needed were provided to me there. Afterwards, I also went to the African Masters of Machine Intelligence, which is actually the same as my Master’s in Maths program, but this time, it was sponsored by Google and Facebook. We had lecturers who were industry