Computer Vision News - May 2022

13 MediaPipe 2/2 new controls.Slider({ title: 'Model Complexity', field: 'modelComplexity', discrete: ['Lite', 'Full'], }), new controls.Slider({ title: 'Min Detection Confidence', field: 'minDetectionConfidence', range: [0, 1], step: 0.01 }), new controls.Slider({ title: 'Min Tracking Confidence', field: 'minTrackingConfidence', range: [0, 1], step: 0.01 }), ]) .on(x => { const options = x as mpHands.Options; videoElement.classList.toggle('selfie', options.selfieMode); hands.setOptions(options); }); We are at the end of this MediaPipe review. We hope you liked it and that you will use this customizable platform for your own projects. Special greetings below!