Computer Vision News - June 2022

55 Covid Predictor (with code) imggg = cv2.resize(imggg,(400,400)) cv2_imshow(imggg) print(results) if results[0][0] == 0: prediction = 'Positive Covid-19' else: prediction = 'Negative Covid-19' print("Prediction : ",prediction) Actual: Negative covid-19 [[1]] Prediction : Negative Covid-19 Actual:Positive covid-19 [[0]] Prediction : Positive Covid-19 Next month As a conclusion to this -hopefully useful- COVID predictor, I want to try the mentioned exercises and feel free to send any of your questions through. Last month, I received in my Twitter two great suggestions from our readers and I am going to have one of them as the next review. Until next month, have a great time and always be curious! 