Computer Vision News - November 2021

3 Summary 41 Xi Yin Best of ICCV 2021 Maybe one day you will interview me and ask me tough questions! [ both laugh ] You said you have a second thing to say. Yes, I’m also very interested in different people’s perspectives through interactions with people and through things that I read. We should always examine our beliefs. My Facebook training covered subjects not only limited to the Facebook infrastructure and the tools we are using, but also tips on how to work better with others. We used to believe that we should treat people the way we would like to be treated. In practice, it says that is not necessarily true. You should treat people the way they want to be treated. Although we are all human beings, we are fundamentally different. We have different perspectives. That encouraged me to be more patient when interacting with people, to have more emphasis on trying to understand each other better, in order to work together better. That’s something I personally found very useful and wanted to share with the community. Thank you for being patient with me! What did you learn in this interview? You are a very nice person! All those things that you said in the beginning, that I am speaking clearly... You are very patient as well. I really enjoyed the conversation with you. Thank you so much for this opportunity, I really appreciate it. “Professor Xiaoming Liu gave me tremendous support during those five years to prepare me for work after I graduated!” Over 100 interviews with as many inspiring Women in Computer Vision - in our archive