Computer Vision News - March 2021

4 Research The authors of this month’s research are: Darko Sarovic, Nouchine Hadjikhani, Justin Schneiderman, Sebastian Lundström and Christopher Gillberg. Their work was published a few months ago in the International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. I would like with this opportunity to present very interesting work in the mental health subspace, especially when utilizing MRI and other imaging modalities and showcasing at times artificial intelligence approaches. Computational psychology is fast-growing field which brings interesting discoveries about our brain. Considering that mental health conditions are the reason of many difficulties, it is a very significant achievement to understand in order to help and on the same time educate the public about the effects of those conditions and the differences between our brains. Autism Spectrum Disorder It is widely accepted that there is not known reason of what causes autism. Autism spectrum disorder, or ASD as it’s usually called, can affect people in the same family but also preterm babies. It is known that it’s not caused by family behaviors, bad parenting, vaccines or the nutritional profile of the person. Intelligence has nothing to do with autism. Autists can be extremely high functional A u t i s m c l a s s i f i e d b y m a g n e t i c r e s o n a n c e i m a g i n g : A p i l o t s t u d y o f a p o t e n t i a l d i a g n o s t i c t o o l Some bright news over the horizon with the pandemic, especially for some countries that are keener and more confident with vaccinations. It seems that this year is going to have some more positive outcomes! Let’s all hope that face-to-face communication is going to be more meaningful and thoughtful, as much in the scientific community as in the social interactions that many of us are so much missing. It does prove that science, especially when collaboration and funding is in place, can achieve miracles!