Computer Vision News - July 2021

“ It never happened! ” she replies, laughing. “ In the paper you will find some examples of street views with their correct matches ranked. They all look super similar. This is really smart actually! ” Aysim, who is originally from İzmir in Turkey, has another two years to go with her PhD, and is still thinking about what she will do afterwards. She says the idea for this work came from her first superviso r, Laura Leal-Taixé . “ Laura is a really great supervisor, ” she smiles. “ She’s super helpful and creative. More a colleague than a supervisor I would say. It’s really great to work with her! ” To learn more about Aysim’s work, you can view her pre-recorded presentation and PDF poster, and take part in her live Q&A during Paper Session Five (Tuesday) at 22:00-00:30 EDT. Presentation 28 Best of CVPR 2021 “ It r ! r li , l i . “ I t r yo ill fi d e xam les of tr t i wit th ir c rr t matches ranked. The l lo r imil r. is i r l s art t l ! A i , i riginal y fr m İ mir i r , t r t r t it r , i til t i ing ab t t il ft r r . t i f r t i or c e fr h r fir t u r is r , a r al- aix . r i r l r t rvi r, il . “ he’ r hel f l d r tiv . or ll t a s r i or I o l . It’ r l reat to wor wit r! l r r t i ’ r , i r r -r r r t ti t r, t rt i r li ri r i i ( ) t : - : . “ It never happened! ” she replies, laughing. “ In the paper you will find some examples of street views with their correct matches ranked. They all look super similar. This is really smart actually! ” Aysim, who is originally from İzmir in Turkey, has another two years to go with her PhD, and is still thinking about what she will do afterwards. She says the idea for this work came from her first supervisor, Laura Leal-Taixé . “ Laura is a really great supervisor, ” she smiles. “ She’s supe helpful and creative. Mo e a c olleague than a s upervisor I would say. It’s really great to work with her! ” To learn more about Aysim’s work, you can view her pre-recorded presentation and PDF poster, and take part in her live Q&A during Paper Session Five (Tuesday) at 22:00-00:30 EDT.