Computer Vision News - February 2021
time, the market for synthetic images was just beginning and the company went bust. I had to learn to adapt to market chaos and land on my feet. As a young engineer, who wanted to express herself andhavean impact, Iwas very naïve. It would have been easier if I had been trained to understand markets and trends, all things that an engineer is never taught. How did you get to work with Yoshua Bengio? I learned about his work while doing my thesis at Télécom Paris. Later on, when I needed to do defect classification, I thought that his neural networks might givemeaveryrobustsolution. Ispokewith Yoshua in Montreal and shared my work with him to get his advice. Everything I told him worked very well when he tried it, so he offered me to work with him. So I joined MILA; at that time it was still called LISA, and it employed 30 people: professors, post-docs, students and staff. I was already experienced in research, in industrial project management, and I had a doctorate in AI. Yoshua wanted 26 Women in Computer Vision Party at parents home in Quebec - Myriam's father is a MD, but she's the doctor!
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