Computer Vision News - October 2020

We are always searching for the meaning. The journey never ends, but the meaning is multiplied along your journey. If I look at myself 10 years ago or 5 years ago, I'm different from who I am right now. The future me will be different from the present me. The meanings always proliferate. The more you engage and the more you think, these meanings will just proliferate. You will always get a better understanding and a deeper understanding of who you are as a human being. I always think about the human doing, which is the AI part, and the human being, which is who I am. Can you explain where you see yourself in the future? [ laughs ] Sure! What an amazing question! Right on time, that was a good catch [ big smile ]. I love this conversation! I think big dreams, lots of visions for my future that may be sowild, diverse, and different. I would say that the future me would be more creative, like promoting creativity, producing creative knowledge, and training more brains. Maybe I would like to do a start- up one day, who knows? Now that we’ve had a glimpse of the future, let's go back to the past. You are not originally from Istanbul. No, I am from Tunisia. I grew up in a beautiful city that we call the Pearl of the East Coast, called Susa or Sousse in French. achieve something beneficial. I would say that my faith has contributed a lot to my personal success. As you can see, I'm Muslim so I have a very strong belief in my personal faith. The thing about my faith is that it encouraged me to engage and ask different questions about the universe, the brain, and this current creation. My faith is a catalyst for me striving to be an inquisitive mind and a good scientist. This is what's written. I have my holy book with me all of the time, the Quran. It is asking, “Can you think, ask, or contemplate over this?” I think that contemplation, deep reflection, and thinking are fundamental basics for scientists or researchers. You are always inquiring. You are always searching for meaning, searching for and understanding how things work. Did you find that meaning? 3 Islem Rekik 31 “… but the brilliant ones who approached me in the start just happen to be females.” W here does faith come into this? Faith, I would say, is at the core of all these things. Personally, I always say that believers are achievers. When you believe in something, you can make it happen. If you believe in yourself and believe in your team, if you believe that you're doing something good, you will