Computer Vision News - October 2020

which will give the following graph: New Programming Language 26 using Plots # plot data plot([cumsum(rand(500) .- 0.5), cumsum(rand(500) .- 0.5)]) # save the current figure as svg (other types also supported) savefig("plots.svg") Of course, it is impossible to cover a whole language in a few pages. I hope this introduction will really motivate you to learn more about Julia . There are extremely high-quality tutorials around the web. I would suggest starting by visiting https:// where you can find documentation and download instructions. In there are free tutorials for the language basics. If you want me to cover more than the basics and have a specific request (e.g. computer vision, deep learning, data handling, etc.) feel free to contact me on twitter or my LinkedIn profile! Thanks for reading and see you next month :) I.