Computer Vision News - May 2020

2 Summary The Lab of the Month 1 The Wellcome / EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences (WEISS) at University College London (UCL) in London, UK carries out research in interventional and surgical sciences. Many thanks to Head of Operations (and long-time friend of our magazine) Su-Lin Lee for organizing this virtual visit to the lab. This month you will read the first part of the visit, while the second part will be published in June’s Computer Vision News. At WEISS , activities include everything from robotics and image guidance to medical devices. The lab is sponsored (until 2022) by the Wellcome Trust and the EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) . This collaborative lab of about 120 researchers includes engineers, scientists and clinicians, who each play a key role. That includes approximately 30 clinical co-investigators and 15 engineering co-investigators. As Head of Operations, Su-Lin oversees the research, manages funding, and ensures that the professional service team supports the researchers in human resources, finance, public engagement, communications and more. Formerly an academic herself, Su-Lin spent time as a lecturer at The Hamlyn Centre at Imperial College . After moving to an administrative role, she can fully empathize with everything on an academic plate. That translates into doing anything to help researchers and facilitate their work. Currently, she plans to onboard a communications manager to correspond all research and the success of WEISS: “I have spent one year and a half outside of academia working for non-profit organizations and I recognize