Computer Vision News - June 2020

2 Summary Wo en in Computer Vision 40 analog design is even more in that realm. When you switch to robotics, you’re more applying electrical concepts. You’re not developing the electrical things at a semiconductor level, but you’re using that to design a whole product. There’s some overlap, but there’s definitely a huge difference between the two fields. I think for me, I wasn’t happy in one industry. I was able to use what I learned in that industry a bit, then study on top of it, and then transition to what I really wanted to do. ideas, then apply it to a hardware base, and really have that fusion together. For me, that was the passion, being able to take my electrical engineering background, apply a computer vision algorithm on top of that, have this product interact with its environment, and really solve real world problems. For me, in the semiconductor industry, it felt like I wasn’t solving real world problems necessarily. I was to a certain extent, but robotics is just so cutting- edge. Being able to really fuse these different areas together is what I really love about it. Can you think of one aspect of semiconductors that you miss? I really like the fabrication process. I love the idea of how, from a silicon wafer, you infuse these different chemicals, and you build this little piece of electrical equipment that can be so powerful. I was always really fascinated by that semiconductor process, and all these intermediate steps to build these GPUs and CPUs and how powerful these things can be. What in robotics makes you happier? I really loved the interdisciplinary aspect of being able to apply software “it’s always good to take a risk and try to do what makes you happy ”