Computer Vision News - August 2020

Women in Computer Vision 38 Best of MIDL 2020 What led you to become a Solution Architect? It sounds like a dream job for you! [ laughs ] Well, if you would have asked me 10 or 15 years ago at the beginning of my studies, I would have said, “Never! I don’t want to work in this field!” What did you want to be? I actually wasn’t sure. I was really fascinated about mathematics, about medicine. I was not able to decide, so what I did was I started with a bachelor’s, studying mathematics combined with medical courses in the hospital. After that, I did my master’s in biomedical computing. Whereabouts? In Munich, at the Technical University with Professor Nassir Navab . I liked it there somuch that I stayed. I really, really wanted to stay in academia. There was a lot to learn and I loved the research community. In the end, a good friend of mine convinced me to go to GTC, the NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference. One discussion led to another, and now I’m a Solutions Architect. I’m very happy about that. When did you discover that you had the guts to make a PhD? I don’t think there is one distinctive point, even when I started my master’s. I did not start my master’s with the idea that I’m going to do a PhD. For me, it was mainly because I really like the combination of mathematics, computer science, and medicine. This computer science element was really enabling my ideas between mathematics and medicine. The final decision to do a PhD was the research group. I really, really felt comfortable, I really liked that. My original plan was to only stay two years in Munich. It didn’t end up well! [laughs] I’m still here! 8 years. It was a good decision. Where are you from? I’m from Germany. I was actually born in Prof. Nassir Navab, Nicola Rieke, Prof. Raphael Sznitman