Computer Vision News - February 2019

30 Computer Vision News Focus on Imgproc. resize (mZoomWindow , zoomCorner , zoomCorner.size() , 0 , 0 , Imgproc. INTER_LINEAR_EXACT ) ; Size wsize = mZoomWindow.size() ; Imgproc. rectangle (mZoomWindow , new Point( 1 , 1 ) , new Point(wsize. width - 2 , wsize. height - 2 ) , new Scalar( 255 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) , 2 ) ; zoomCorner.release() ; mZoomWindow.release() ; break; case MainActivity. VIEW_MODE_PIXELIZE : rgbaInnerWindow = rgba.submat(top , top + height , left , left + width) ; Imgproc. Canny (rgbaInnerWindow , mIntermediateMat , 80 , 90 ) ; rgbaInnerWindow.setTo( new Scalar( 0 , 0 , 0 , 255 ) , mIntermediateMat ) ; Core. convertScaleAbs (rgbaInnerWindow , mIntermediateMat , 1. / 16 , 0 ) ; Core. convertScaleAbs ( mIntermediateMat , rgbaInnerWindow , 16 , 0 ) ; rgbaInnerWindow.release() ; break; } return rgba ; } public void onCameraViewStopped () { if ( mIntermediateMat != null ) mIntermediateMat .release() ; mIntermediateMat = null; } public void onCameraViewStarted ( int width , int height) { mIntermediateMat = new Mat() ; } } The code’s main functions are: ● onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected are the functions responsible for creating the menu and changing menu options according to user selection. ● Is responsible for receiving camera images as input and processing them according to the option selected and displaying the processed image on screen. *see main switch of the function. Don’t forget to give the app the permissions it needs to function. If all goes as planned, the application will look as follows: a menu on the right for selecting the image processing option the user wants the app to apply. And the output of the selected-option processed at the center of the screen. In the figure you see me after Canny Edge detection “processing”, don’t I look more handsome post-processing ? Tried for You