Computer Vision News - June 2018

Open Images V4 and ECCV 2018 Open Images Challenge: Another item from Google , this one signed by Vittorio Ferrari . Version 4 has 15.4M bounding-boxes for 600 categories on 1.9M images, making it the largest existing dataset with object location annotations. Read Now… Big list of open source projects from Facebook AI: It’s not me revealing that, it’s Yann LeCun on his Twitter account. Some of them were released on the same day of the announcement. Enjoy! 9 Pitfalls to avoid in building a machine learning program: Write your code with a solid foundation thanks to these tips. Some are obvious, some are precious, all are good. Read! Spotlight News 29 My name is Bot: James Bot! That might be the name of the next secret agent 007, at the service of POTUS. Dawn Meyerriecks , the CIA ’s deputy director for technology development, declared that the Agency was adapting to a new landscape where its primary adversary is a machine, not a human agent. It seems that the CIA has spent more than 30 years preparing for this transition from humans to computers… Read More! Other news you shouldn’t miss: Notes by Andrew NG! Google’s new tools and their price Google Duplex: Real-World Tasks Over the Phone: You have certainly already seen this and heard this. But if you missed it, you have to see how this bot by Google books a table for you. Hilarious and impressive! Read Now! TheGANfather: Themanwho’s given imagination tomachines: If you don’t like spy movies, we have something for you too. Here’s a very nice portrait of Ian Goodfellow and his work on GANs. Hence the nickname GANfather. Even if you don’t like mafia movies, it’s a great reading: Read! Free todownload datasets by Figure Eight (was CrowdFlower): These datasets were curated on the Figure Eight platform. They are free to download for the entire data science community: medical, handwriting, language... Enjoy! A python toolbox for gaining geometric insights into HD data: where HD does not mean high definition but high dimensional. This library is called HyperTools and you will use it to visualize and manipulate HD data in Python. Try!