Computer Vision News - July 2018

Pia Bideau is a PhD student at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. She spoke to us ahead of her poster presentation. Pia’s work is about motion segmentation , which is the segmentation of independently moving objects in a video . Both the camera and objects can be moving – for example, cars, humans, animals – and we want to detect all those objects that are moving differently to the camera. Pia explains that motion is very important for human vision, for scene understanding, and to get to know the world we are moving in. When a person is walking through a forest or just walking along the street, it is easy to detect objects as soon as they move. A moving car will draw your attention. A squirrel will run up a tree. You will detect them immediately just because they are moving. The challenge of this work comes because we are moving in a 3D world . We have objects that are very close to us and objects that are very far away. Objects that are close might move more on the image plane than objects 10 Pia Bideau Tuesday “…we are moving in a 3D world!”