Computer Vision News - January 2018

36 Computer Vision News At school. Now you can find computers everywhere. Yes, with your smartphone, you’re connected everywhere. Your husband works in technology as well as many of your friends. Was it a deliberate choice? [ we both laugh ] I don’t know why. Most of my friends are in technology, yes. It just ended up that way. Can you name a teacher that impressed you? I would say Maura González, my chemistry teacher during my last years in secondary school in Spain. She was very encouraging. She not only taught the subject, but also explained how to deal with difficult situations and personal conflicts. She was a good example for us. When I will be a teacher, I would like to be like her. Did you see any of your friends give up a career in science because it was too difficult or they didn’t have a good role model? I did see friends quit their studies because they couldn’t get the grades. Others persisted though, and then they finished. More male or female students? More male because we are a small number of female students in computer science. What is the most difficult part about being a woman in a male-dominated profession? I think it’s more difficult working in companies instead of academia. Here, we all work together, and it doesn’t matter if you are a boy or a girl. In some companies, people tend to be less open minded. What is the advantage of being a woman in a predominantly male profession? Well, I don’t know if this is an advantage. So for you, there are no advantages or disadvantages? No, not really Of all of the technologies that you have seen or learned about during your studies, which impressed you the most? Smartphones because you have the power of a computer in your pocket. That impressed me. Michael Black gave the same answer! What would you like to achieve? I would like to be a professor. I would like to be an example to my students, and also continue in the field discovering new technology or new knowledge. Would you like to discover something for a particular field? As I’m working now in computer vision and artificial intelligence, I would like to contribute something great to these fields. Are you afraid that someone might use the technology in the wrong way? During a secondment in Vienna, Austria Women in Computer Vision Women in Science