Computer Vision News - August 2018

Pauline, how long have you been with Facebook? For two and a half years now Why did you choose Facebook? Facebook opened a lab in Paris at the time I was looking for a PhD. I thought it was going to be a great place to do a PhD, specifically because I knew that they were hiring lots of top profiles. I thought that being with these people during my PhD would be a great way to learn from them and work with them. So I tried to contact people in the lab, and I asked some professors if they knew anyone that they could recommend me to. So that’s how things started. I guess they liked your own “top profile”… [ laughs ] So when I say top profile, I mean researchers who have already proven themselves to the community. Facebook opened up in France because we have a strong mathematical culture here, and there are lots of top schools and good labs. In France, we have this system where a PhD student, just like me, can do their PhD between an industrial lab and an academic lab. That’s really good to foster collaboration between the two labs… also to have junior working alongside senior researchers. It’s a nice setup. Of the many French mathematicians, which one is your favorite? Is it boring if I say Cédric Villani? Not in the least. Why him? His work is very impressive. What he has Pauline Luc Pauline Luc is a Ph.D. student between INRIA Grenoble and Facebook AI Research in Paris. 24 Women in Computer Vision Computer Vision News “The nice thing is that, for now, it doesn’t work at all…” Women in Science