CVPR Daily - Thursday

The traditional Women in Computer Vision workshop at CVPR. Top, from left to right, co-organizers Marah Halawa, Doris Antensteiner, Ziqi Huang, speaker Angel Chang and Sachini Herath. Bottom, the exceptional line-up of this year’s panel: from left to right, Angel Chang, Kristen Grauman, Judy Hoffman, Ilke Demir, Abby Stylianou, Devi Parikh. We asked Doris for a comment: “ I was impressed and inspired by our workshop's phenomenal panel of highly talented women, who shared their invaluable insights, thoughts and experiences ” she told us after the event. “ We also witnessed remarkable presentations and poster presentations and held a mentoring session full of fruitful exchanges! ” 19 DAILY CVPR Thursday Workshop: Women in CV