CVPR Daily - Wednesday

Good morning CVPR! I would like to share one number with our readers. Yesterday’s issue, the first of this year, generated more than 50,000 pageviews in only a few hours . These are 50,000 pages of shared knowledge created at no cost by this humble community magazine and by the kindness of those who accepted to talk about their work. This is a powerful chain of shared knowledge of which our community can be very proud. Keep sharing the magazine, enjoy the reading and enjoy all of CVPR 2019 ! Ralph Anzarouth Editor, Computer Vision News Marketing Manager, RSIP Vision CVPR Daily Publisher: RSIP Vision Copyright: RSIP Vision All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is strictly forbidden. Our editorial choices are fully independent from IEEE, CVPR and the conference organizers. Andrew Fitzgibbon 10 Xiaohui Zeng 04 MSC Software 20 ManuelMarin 14 3 DAILY CVPR Wednesday Editorial Farnaz’s Picks 02 16 Orals MassimilianoMancini 06