CVPR Daily - Tuesday

It’s famous for the natural sponges. Now it’s pretty famous for rock climbing. We have many tourists, more alternative tourists, coming. I have a special affection for the Greek Islands. You decided to pursue a scientific career. At which point in your life did you realize you wanted to study science? I had my first mentor in Greece when I did my thesis back during my first master’s. This teacher actually introduced me to the world of computer vision, teaching me how to do research and motivating me to follow this path. Did you ever have any doubts in pursuing a career in science? It’s not always easy. This path is challenging. In the end, you feel satisfied when you succeed, when you achieve the goals that you have initially set. Coming from an island, I see things like waves. There are ups and downs. Throughout this career, you have ups and downs. You know it, so you know that somehow you will learn to overcome. So now are you in an up or a down? Now, I feel that I’m up. Where do you hope this up will bring you? To happiness! [ laughs ] What do you need to be happy? Professionally-wise, I like challenges. I like to have new challenges all the time. This is what I have always done professionally. These challenges bring ups and downs. Sometimes the challenge is too difficult. Wouldn’t you prefer to be happy in a more relaxing way with fewer ups and downs? Yes, but it’s this trip that brings me happiness. I enjoy the ups and downs and then finally achieving your goals. Will you go back to the island to live one day? I wish my island could give me the opportunity to pursue my professional goals. Do you plan to go back to Greece one day or your life is somewhere else? I always say to myself that one day I’ll go back, but it’s still not the right time right now. I interviewed many talented Greek women before you and not one of them is in Greece. What does Greece need now to retain the talent that is leaving? I think things need to change in universities. In universities, you see so many Greeks abroad. We get the knowledge that is needed to pursue research. That’s why there are so many Greeks abroad that have wonderful careers. Even though Greek universities don’t have the best infrastructure, but we get the basic knowledge. We get the basis that allows us to grow. Why did you choose IBM? It’s a great place to do research. What is the most interesting lesson that you have learned? Difficult question! There were so many. My parents told me to never give up, to always try to accept new challenges and set new goals. 19 DAILY CVPR Tuesday Vagia Tsiminaki “ I see things like waves”